Category Archives: Uncategorized

Is that… chicken?

  So this first post concerns nothing particularly earth-shattering, but it describes the first Beijing adventure of two clearly Western freshmen girls (who speak absolutely no Mandarin, mind you). Scene 1: Haley Adams and I wake up, already eating almonds … Continue reading


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Welcome to Beijing, and the YIRA (Yale Int’l Relations Assoc.) China 2012 Trip!

Welcome to Beijing, Yale delegates of the China 2012 YIRA Trip! Congratulations on all of your hard work, and on making it to Beijing, the second-largest Chinese city by urban population, and China’s national capital. As the nation’s political, cultural, … Continue reading


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大家好! Welcome to our blog, where you can follow our trip as we blog about our speakers, guests, presentations, photo- and documentary journalism!  Check back for daily updates starting Dec. 28 until Jan. 11. Jack Linshi


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